Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Duke visited the cardiologist

On March 1st, we had to go see the pediatric cardiologist at Swedish. Duke has a slight heart murmur at birth that Dr. Sliman (our amazing pediatrician) could still hear at his check up at 8 days old. He didn't think it was anything too serious but wanted us to get it checked out to be sure. Needless to say, we were terrified. Jeff always assured me (and continues to do so) that was everything was fine. I was still scared out of my mind!
The appt was at 1:30 PM on a Tues so I took my mom (Jeff had to work). We went down there and saw Dr. Pham (who was also amazing and had great bedside manner). They weighed him (up to 9 lbs 8 oz), did an EKG on him and took BPs on all four extremities. Then Dr. Pham performed his physical exam and after listening to his heart decided he wanted to do an echocardiogram as well to see exactly what was going on.
That was a VERY scary 30 min. I thought for sure they were going to find something horrible and was already picturing heart surgery on my infant!!
After the long wait, we returned to the examination room where Dr. Pham came into the room adn happily pronounced, "Great news!!".
He told us Duke has something called Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis or PPS and that he will in all likelihood out grow this swooshing sound by the time he is 1 and the PPS will go away (once his pulmonary arteries grow to catch up with the demand of blood flow). Otherwise, the Echo showed his heart to be perfect!
This was a great relief and we can finally move on and enjoy pur healthy baby boy!!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Thank God!! So glad to hear that! Love you!